
All the latest updates and improvements to rapid-ui.

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Introducing rapid-ui

We're excited to announce the release of rapid-ui - a collection of beautifully designed web blocks built on top of the popular shadcn/ui and tailwind-css.

rapid-ui simplifies the process of building modern, high-quality user interfaces by providing a set of customizable, production-ready building blocks.

What’s included in the current release:

  • Features - A features block to showcase key features and benefits.
  • Pricing - A pricing block that makes it easy to present your plans.
  • Brands - A brands block to display your partners and trusted brands.
  • Footer - A footer block with links, copyright info, and social icons.

What’s coming in future releases:

  • Dark mode - Dark mode support.
  • New blocks - More web blocks (FAQs, testimonials, and more).
  • Templates - Beautifully designed website templates.